Muru Pathways offers Employment Support for Participants interested in gaining employment. We support Participants throughout the process of job hunting, interview preparation, and obtaining and keeping a job.
We are conscientious and dedicated to supporting you to achieve your goals in life. We are trained in working with individuals who have a variety of skills and abilities. We have supported individuals to gain employment, volunteer in an area that interests them and work on what exactly it is that they might like to do.
Muru Pathways is an NDIS accredited support provider operating in the Hunter Valley and Lake Macquarie.
Muru Pathways review and update our policies and procedures annually. If you would like to be part of this process please reach out to us via the ‘Contact Us’ button.
Muru Pathways acknowledges the people of the Wonnarua, Worimi, and Awabakal nations, as the traditional custodians of the land where this organisation provides services.